Unveiling the Kisarazu: A Unique Photographic Journey

Kousaku Hirano's Award-Winning Exploration of Light, Landscape, and Memory

Renowned photographer Kousaku Hirano takes us on a nostalgic journey with his Kisarazu series, a unique exploration of light, landscape, and memory. This series, awarded Silver in A' Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award in 2018, showcases Hirano's innovative approach to photography and his deep connection to the environment.

At the heart of the Kisarazu series is Hirano's unique approach to exposure. All works in the series have been shot at -2.5 stops of proper exposure value, a technique Hirano perfected after half a year of test shooting in 1998. This technique, he found, transformed ordinary scenes into something extraordinary. Even wild plants and litter took on a new beauty under his lens. "If human beings put a little more effort into waste disposal, we can bring natural plants and trees back to the original scenery," Hirano reflects.

The Kisarazu series was born out of Hirano's exploration of the tension between the everyday and the extraordinary. He describes the initial atmosphere of the project as tense, almost like a battlefield. This tension gradually gave way to the rhythms of everyday life, and Hirano found himself drawn to the vegetation, alleyways, and marshes. He felt a unique atmosphere in these places, signs of people and the kindness of the fishermen at the harbor. These scenes evoked a nostalgic feeling, as if he was revisiting the original scenery of his boyhood.

Hirano's innovative use of exposure value also contributes to the unique aesthetic of the Kisarazu series. Under sunny weather, he shoots at -2.5 exposure value, resulting in images that are balanced yet animated. This technique, combined with his choice of subject matter, creates a series that is both visually stunning and deeply evocative.

The Kisarazu series was shot in Kuzuma, Kisarazu, from 1998 to 2014, and Hirano continues to photograph to this day. The project presented its own set of challenges, including the need to photograph the same location repeatedly until the atmosphere and technique were perfectly aligned. But the result is a series that is both technically remarkable and artistically compelling, a testament to Hirano's skill and vision.

In recognition of its excellence, the Kisarazu series was awarded Silver in A' Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award in 2018. This prestigious award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation. The award is a testament to Hirano's unique vision and his commitment to pushing the boundaries of photography.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kousaku Hirano
Image Credits: none
Project Team Members: none
Project Name: Kisarazu
Project Client: Kousaku Hirano

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Kisarazu IMG #5

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